

All functions decorate either a generator function or a function that yields an iterable. They return a specified type like list or dict. All of the decorators in this category are signature preserving, therefore they can be used to decorate class methods as well as standalone functions.


This function decorates either a generator function or a function that yields an iterable. For example:

def generate_list():
    """Generates a list"""
    for i in "generator":
        yield i

The generate_list function will return a list, like so:

>>> generate_list()
['g', 'e', 'n', 'e', 'r', 'a', 't', 'o', 'r']


This is the same as the pydecorator.list function, but for tuples. For example:

def generate_tuple():
    """Generates a tuple"""
    for i in "generator":
        yield i

The generate_tuple function will return a tuple, like so:

>>> generate_tuple()
('g', 'e', 'n', 'e', 'r', 'a', 't', 'o', 'r')


This is the same as the pydecorator.set function, but for sets. For example:

def generate_set():
    """Generates a set"""
    for i in "ababc":
        yield i

The generate_set function will return a set, like so:

>>> generate_set()
{'a', 'c', 'b'}


This must decorate a generator function that yields key value pairs, or a function that returns an iterable of key value tuple pairs. For example:

def keymap():
    """Generates a dict"""
    for k,v in zip('ABC','XYZ'):
        yield k,v

The keymap function will return a dict:

>>> keymap()
{'A': 'X', 'B': 'Y', 'C': 'Z'}


This can decorate either a generator function that yields strings, or a function that returns an iterable of strings. For example:

def word():
    """Generates a string"""
    for letter in ['g','e','n','e','r','a','t','e']:
        yield letter

The word function will return a concatenated string:

>>> word()