
These functions decorate are used to decorate generators, returning various pandas classes. They are signature preserving decorators, and can therefore be used to decorate class methods as well as standalone functions.


Decorates a generator function that yields items in the form [row,...]. The resulting function returns a pandas dataframe. Has the optional keyword argument columns, which allows you to name the columns of the returned dataframe. For example:

def dataframe():
    for row in [[0,1],[2,3],[4,5]]:
        yield row
>>> dataframe()
a  b
0  0  1
1  2  3
2  4  5


Decorates a generator function that yields items in the form (key,[row,..]), and returns a pandas dataframe. Has the optional keyword arguments index and columns, which allow you to name the index and columns of the returned dataframe. For example:

def dataframe():
    for k,v in zip('xyz',[[0,1],[2,3],[4,5]]):
        yield k,v
>>> dataframe()
   a  b
x  0  1
y  2  3
z  4  5


Decorates a generator function that yields items in the form ([key,..],[row,..]), and returns a pandas dataframe with a MultiIndex. Has the optional keyword arguments index and columns, which allow you to name the index and columns of the returned dataframe. For example:

def dataframe():
    for k1,k2,v in zip('xyz','abc',[[0,1],[2,3],[4,5]]):
        yield (k1,k2),v
>>> dataframe()
     a  b
i j
x a  0  1
y b  2  3
z c  4  5


Decorates a generator function that yields items in the form (key,value), and returns a pandas series. Has the optional keyword arguments index and name, which allow you to name the index of the series, and the series itself, respectively. For example:

def series():
    for k,v in zip('xyz',[0,1,2]):
        yield k,v
>>> series()
x    0
y    1
z    2
Name: a, dtype: int64


Decorates a generator function that yields items in the form ([key,..],value), and returns a pandas series with a MultiIndex. Has the optional keyword arguments index and name, which allow you to provide names for the index of the series and the name of the series itself, respectively. For example:

def series():
    for k1,k2,v in zip('xyz','abc',[0,1,2]):
        yield (k1,k2),v
>>> series()
i  j
x  a    0
y  b    1
z  c    2
Name: a, dtype: int64


Decorates a generator function that yields non iterable items, and returns a pandas Index. Has the optional keyword argument name, which allows you to provide a name for the returned index. For example:

def index():
    for k in 'xyz':
        yield k
>>> index()
Index(['x', 'y', 'z'], dtype='object', name='i')


Decorates a generator function that yields items in the form [key,...], and returns a pandas MultiIndex. Has the optional keyword argument names, which allows you to provide the level names for the returned index. For example:

def index():
    for k1,k2 in zip('xyz','abc'):
        yield (k1,k2)
>>> index()
MultiIndex(levels=[['x', 'y', 'z'], ['a', 'b', 'c']],
           labels=[[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2]],
           names=['i', 'j'])